When You Want to Give Up, Hit The Pause Button

This pause button can be for the “adult” life, but it makes our minds and souls free again.

Igor Carvalho
3 min readNov 23, 2020
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Life is not static, you can use moments to just stop and look around to see how everything is going, you can just be in the corner to watch how everyone is acting without you in the middle. Sometimes we just want to give up for a bunch of reasons, but in none of them, we think about it first, to just stop and appreciate life, think how it was your challenges in your life, how you could reach where you are.

There are moments that I just want to clean my mind, but not for a few minutes or hours. Sometimes I want to spend some days doing nothing to clear my thoughts and then come back to work, sometimes even harder. That’s what I love about “fresh eyes” in the problem, you can see it differently. It’s important for everyone that you can be you when is quiet.

Burnout is one of the biggest problems among millennials, and to avoid it, it’s necessary to mainly stop everything for some time and get some rest. But the ability for you to stop and do nothing for a certain period is quite a gift that only humans have, and we should enjoy it as much as possible when needed.

Since we have to continue to work to provide our families something, and so many responsibilities that just come, there are moments that we just want to give up, given the pressure, given all reasons we have to be. Given up is the easier choice because we’ll even have people who will understand why we want to do what we want to do, but a few will criticize until we don’t have any strengths to even handle all of this. Then we remember, it’s not about them, it’s about ourselves.

Feeling of giving up is normal, especially when we feel so stressed, then one “easy” exit is to stop what you’re doing for some time, take some vacations, stop working sooner and go home, or just don’t take more responsibilities than you can have, but help yourself and don’t burnout.

I’m not telling you to give up dreams or not to achieve your success, but you know your limits and you know what it takes to reach it if worth the risk. I like to think that there are some things we can’t do just because we want to have more money, a fancier car, a bigger house. My mind is not physical, but it hurts if I don’t take care of it.

A pause button is a great tool that does not have a timeframe, does not have a place, it just is a moment for you to stop, breath, look around and think, it can be 30 minutes every day, it can be 1 week every year, it’s up to you, it’s up to your mind. For me, my pause button is at night, when I’m doing what I like to do in silence, like writing something, when I can think and just write the words. Or when I’m watching something that makes me laugh. But also I have the bigger pause buttons, weeks of a vacation far from all noise of the city, of the work, and knowing new places and new culture.

Each one of us has moments that want to give up and stop everything trying to break everything we see in front of us, but having these pause buttons, it doesn’t matter what time of the day or week, it will help you to continue sane. For some, it is meditation, for others going to the church, or even going to a mountain and climb, but these pause buttons can be for the adult world, but it makes our minds and souls free again.



Igor Carvalho

I’m a tech lover, blogger, YouTuber, Netflix watcher, and on my daily work I’m a software engineer with several years of experience.